PSO Resources
2024 PSO Research in Review
2023 PSO Research in Review
Most Recent
Police Recruitment and Selection: Resources and Lessons for Workforce Building (COPS Office)
Gauging the Impact of Negative Media Publicity on Career Decisions: Exploring Police Recruit Motivations During a Recruitment Crisis (Policing: An International Journal)
Project contact: Ashleigh Wojslawowicz
Best Practices for Optimizing Law Enforcement Job Descriptions to Recruit Diverse Candidates (RTI International)
Project contact: Jenn Rineer
Factors Promoting and Inhibiting Use of Wellness Resources Among Police: A Mixed-Methods Study (Police Quarterly)
Project contact: Kathleen Padilla
Police Recruitment Videos and Their Relevance for Attracting Officers (Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice)
Project contact: Rylan Simpson
The Path to an Inclusive and Representative Agency (Police Chief)
Project contacts: Anthony Gibson & Terry Cherry
How Do Law Enforcement Agencies Recruit Diverse Applicants? Analysis of Digital Recruiting Materials (International Journal of Police Science & Management)
Project contact: Jenn Rineer
The Law Enforcement Leadership Pipeline: The Pipeline Components (The Georgia Police Chief)
Project contact: Marshall Jones
Attrition Rates: Stemming the Tide (Police)
Project contacts: Sarah Charman & Jemma Tyson
A Letter to the American Public: Where Have the Police Gone? (Police1)
Project contact: Terry Cherry
Preference for Group-based Social Hierarchy and the Reluctance to Accept Women as Equals in Law Enforcement (Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory)
Project contact: Russell Hassan
Survey Results Indicate Urgent Need for Comprehensive Workload Analysis and Service Delivery Revamp (Police1)
Project contact: Jon Shane
Turnover in Large US Policing Agencies Following the George Floyd Protests (Journal of Criminal Justice)
Project contacts: Ian Adams, Scott Mourtgos & Justin Nix
Leaving the Table: Organisational (In)justice and the Relationship with Police Officer Retention (Criminology & Criminal Justice)
Project contacts: Jemma Tyson & Sarah Charman
Universal and Sex-Normed Benchmarks in Police Physical Fitness Requirements: A Factorial Vignette Design (Women & Criminal Justice)
Project contact: Michael Aiello
A Mixed-Methods Evaluation of the Phoenix Crime Gun Liaison Program: Leveraging Patrol Officers for Investigations (Justice Evaluation Journal)
Project contact: Jessie Huff
A Qualitative Exploration of Stress in a Criminal Investigations Section (Police Practice and Research)
Project contacts: Kathleen Padilla & Jessie Huff
Recruiting Women Into Policing: Experimentally Testing the Effectiveness of Recruiting Materials (Policing: A Journal of Policy and Pratice)
Project contact: Jenn Rineer
Creating a Nexus Between Workload and Costs: A Case Study from Ocean View PD (Police1)
Project contact: Marshall Jones
The Law Enforcement Leadership Pipeline: A Blueprint for Retention (The Georgia Police Chief)
Project contact: Marshall Jones
Parallel Lines: The Homogenous and Gendered Career Patterns of Senior Leaders in Policing in England and Wales (Police Practice and Research)
Project contact: Sarah Charman
Solving the Police Workload and Budget Problem (ICMA)
Project contact: Jon Shane
Leadership for Wellness: A Strategy for Developing Police and Public Safety Leaders (Australian Institute of Police Management)
Project contact: Jacqueline Drew
Mental health and wellness initiatives supporting United States law enforcement personnel: The current state-of-play (Journal of Community Safety & Well-Being)
Project contract: Jacqueline Drew
Doing More with Less? Assessing the Cost Efficiency of US Local Police Organizations (Applied Economics Letters)
Project contact: Erik Alda
Over and Out: The Damaged and Conflicting Identities of Officers Voluntarily Resigning from the Police Service (Policing and Society)
Project contacts: Sarah Charman & Jemma Tyson
Issues of Merit and Affirmative Action in Police Promotion Systems. (Gender Inclusive Policing: Challenges and Achievements. Advances in Theory and Practice)
Project Contract: Jacqueline Drew
Affirmative Action Recruitment Strategies in Australian Policing: Three Case Studies (Gender Inclusive Policing: Challenges and Achievements. Advances in Theory and Practice)
Project Contract: Jacqueline Drew
“Insufficient Guidance and a Lack of Preparation”: Police Academy Training and the Reality of Police Work (Journal of Criminology)
Project contact: Toby Miles-Johnson
Police Retention: A Systematic Review of the Research (Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice)
Project contacts: Jeremy Wilson, Clifford Grammich, Terry Cherry, & Anthony Gibson
Memphis Police Numbers Dropped By Nearly a Quarter in Recent Years - Were Staffing Shortages a Factor in the Killing of Tyre Nichols? (The Conversation)
Project contact: Ian Adams
If the Face Fits: Predicting Future Promotions From Police Cadets' Facial Traits (Journal of Experimental Criminology)
Project contact: Ian Adams
A Descriptive Study of Police Officer Access to Mental Health Services (Journal of Police & Criminal Psychology)
Project contact: Kathleen Padilla
Learning the Lessons: Developing a Model Program for Gender-Inclusive Policing (Gender Inclusive Policing: Challenges and Achievements. Advances in Theory and Practice.)
Project Contract: Jacqueline Drew
Elevated Police Turnover Following the Summer Of George Floyd Protests: A Synthetic Control Study. (Criminology & Public Policy)
Project contacts: Ian Adams & Scott Mourtgos
Recruiting for Change: Shifting Focus to Address a Workforce Crisis (Police Practice and Research: An International Journal)
Project contact: Terry Cherry
Staffing Composition in Large, US Police Departments: Benchmarking Workforce Diversity. (Policing: An International Journal)
Project contacts: Jeremy Wilson & Clifford Grammich
Promoting Women Police Officers: Does Exam Format Matter? (Police Quarterly)
Project contact: Natalie Todak
Procedural Justice and Demographic Diversity: A Quasi-Experimental Study of Police Recruitment (Police Quarterly)
Project contact: Michael Aiello
Conflict and Cooperation within Police Units: The Importance of Manager Inclusiveness (Public Management Review)
Project contact: Russell Hassan
10 Steps for Recruiting More Women Police (Police Chief Magazine)
Project contact: Jenn Rineer
Police Reform Needs Women: Gender Equity as Cultural Change (Rethinking and Reforming American Policing)
Project contacts: Samantha Clinkinbeard & Rachael Rief
“Being Diverse and Being Included, Don’t Go Together in Policing”: Diversity, Inclusion, and Australian Constables (Societies)
Project contact: Toby Miles-Johnson
Conflict and Cooperation in Police Units: The Importance of Manager Inclusiveness (Public Management Review)
Project contact: Russell Hassan
Unpacking the Police Patrol Shift: Observations and Complications of “Electronically” Riding Along with Police (Crime Science)
Project contact: Rylan Simpson
Education, Training, and Police Reform. Rethinking and Reforming (American Policing)
Project contact: Gary Cordner
Exploring The Value of Mentorship for Women Police Officers (Policing: An International Journal)
Project contact: Natalie Todak
Inclusion Capital: How Police Officers Are Included in Their Workplaces (Societies)
Project contact: Kate Linklater
Is a Seat at the Table Sufficient? Specialized Unit Participation and Perspectives of Female Law Enforcement Officers. (Police Practice and Research: An International Journal)
Project contact: Terry Cherry
Linking the Workforce Crisis, Crime, and Response Time (Police Chief)
Project contact: Ian Adams
Policing is Not For Me: Repelling Factors Implicated in Vocational Choice Elimination (Policing and Society)
Project contact: Ann Marie Ryan
Reframing the Police Staffing Challenge: Strategies for Meeting Workload Demand. (Community Policing Dispatch)
Project contact: Jeremy Wilson
"Rorting the System": Police Detectives, Diversity, and Workplace Advantage (Societies)
Project contacts: Toby Miles-Johnson, Kate Linklater
Taking The Strain? Police Wellbeing in the COVID-19 Era (The Police Journal)
Project contact: Sarah Charman
The Benefits and Supervisory Styles of Women Police Leaders (Feminist Criminology)
Project contact: Natalie Todak
The Impact of Active Bystander Training on Officer Confidence and Ability to Address Ethical Challenges (Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice)
Project contact: Gary Cordner
"Well Boys, Welcome to the New Law Enforcement": Reactions to Women on Elite Specialty Units (Women & Criminal Justice)
Project contact: Natalie Todak
Work Engagement, Burnout and the Motivation to Serve among Law Enforcement Officers during COVID-19 Pandemic and Community Protests in the United States (Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice)
Project contact: Russell Hassan
Preventing Attrition Among Women and Minority Police Applicants (Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice)
Project contact: Jennifer Gibbs
Voluntary Resignations From the Police Service: The Impact of Organisational and Occupational Stressors on Organisational Commitment (Policing and Society)
Project contact: Sarah Charman
Project Contact: Russell Hassan
Project contact: Jacqueline Drew
Why Did You Become a Police Officer? Entry-Related Motives and Concerns of Women and Men in Policing. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 48(6), 715–733, 2021.
Project contacts: Samantha Clinkinbeard & Rachael Rief
Project contact: Jacqueline Drew
Project contact: Natalie Todak
Arresting The Recruitment Crisis. City Journal, Vol. 344: 4–5, 2021.
Project contact: Ian Adams
Project contact: Toby Miles-Johnson
Project contacts: Terry Cherry & Anthony Gibson
Evidence-Based Policing: A Foundation for Strategic Recruitment, Vol. 14(12), 2021.
Project contacts: Terry Cherry, Anthony Gibson
Project contact: Russell Hassan
Project contact: Guðmundur Oddsson
Project contact: Guðmundur Oddsson
Project contact: Gary Cordner
Project contact: Toby Miles-Johnson
Project contact: Toby Miles-Johnson
Project contacts: Jeremy Wilson
Project contact: Jeremy Wilson
Recruiting Amidst Crisis: Exploring Police Recruit Motivations in a Psot-Ferguson Era (Proquest Dissertations)
Project contact: Ashleigh Wojslawowicz
Project contact: Maureen McGough
Low Police-Public Social Distance as the Key to Recruiting (Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice)
Project contact: Jennifer Gibbs
Influential Women? Policing Styles in Online Recruitment Materials (Police Quarterly)
Project contact: Michael Aiello
Project contacts: Samantha Clinkinbeard & Rachael Rief
Project contacts: Samantha Clinkinbeard & Rachael Rief
Project contact: Jacqueline Drew
Project contact: Jacqueline Drew
Project contact: Jacqueline Drew
Project contacts: Toby Miles-Johnson, Kate Linklater
Project contact: Guðmundur Oddsson
Project contact: Ann Marie Ryan
2019 & Earlier
A Typological Approach to Studying Policing (Policing and Society)
Project contact: Rylan Simpson
Diversifying the Police Applicant Pool: Motivations of Women and Minority Candidates Seeking Police Employment (Criminal Justice Studies: A Critical Journal of Crime, Law and Society)
Project contact: Jennifer Gibbs
Project contact: Michael Aiello
Project contact: Jacqueline Drew
Project contact: Nick Corsaro
Project contact: Toby Miles-Johnson
Project contact: Toby Miles-Johnson
Project contact: Natalie Todak
Project contact: Erik Alda
Project contact: Natalie Todak
Project contact: Nick Corsaro
Project contact: Toby Miles-Johnson
Project contact: Gary Cordner
Project contact: Natalie Todak
Project contact: Jeremy Wilson
Contemporary Police Practice. Oxford University Press.
Project contact: Jacqueline Drew
Project contact: Nick Corsaro
Project contact: Jeremy Wilson
Project contact: Gary Cordner
Project contact: Jeremy Wilson
Project contact: Jeremy Wilson
Project contact: Jeremy Wilson
Project contact: Jeremy Wilson
Project contact: Jacqueline Drew
Project contact: Jeremy Wilson
Project contact: Jeremy Wilson
Project contact: Jacqueline Drew
Project contact: Jeremy Wilson
Project contact: Jeremy Wilson
Project contact: Jeremy Wilson
Project contact: Jeremy Wilson
Project contact: Jeremy Wilson
Project contact: Jeremy Wilson
Project contact: Jeremy Wilson
Project contact: Jeremy Wilson
Project contact: Gary Cordner
Project contact: Gary Cordner
Improving Police Recruitment and Retention. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, RB-9546-DOJ, 2010.
Project contact: Jeremy Wilson
Project contact: Jeremy Wilson
Project contact: Jeremy Wilson
Project contact: Jeremy Wilson
Project contact: Jeremy Wilson
Police Personnel Crisis Needs Federal Leadership. Washington Post(May 23), 2006.
Project contact: Jeremy Wilson
Project contact: Ann Marie Ryan
Project contact: Ann Marie Ryan
Project contact: Ann Marie Ryan
Project contact: Ann Marie Ryan