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MSU SCJ @ ASC 2023

October 16, 2023 - JJ Thomas

Mark your calendars - you will not want to miss any of these amazing presentations at ASC!


Austin Barber

Contemporary Issues in Green Criminology
Saturday, November 18
11:00am to 12:20pm
Room 402


Makayla Burden

Exposure to Strains and Coping Responses
Thursday, November 16
11:00am to 12:20pm
Room 407


Travis Carter

Driving Forces: Daylight, Discretion, and Deterrence in Traffic Stop Research
Thursday, November 16
11:00am to 12:20pm
Room 402


Cait Cavanagh

Understanding the Complexities of Detained and Incarcerated Justice-Involved Youth
Thursday, November 16
3:30pm to 4:50pm
Room 407


Steven Chermak

Correlates of Targeted Violence
Wednesday, November 15
2:00pm to 3:20pm
Franklin Hall 6

Radicalization Online: Online Communities and Offline Violence
Friday, November 17
9:30pm to 10:50am
Franklin Hall 1

Explaining School Shootings
Friday, November 17
2:00pm to 3:20pm
Room 409


Jennifer Cobbina-Dungy

Policy Impacts on Neighborhood Crime
Thursday, November 16
8:00am to 9:20am
Room 408

Views of Police and Citizens Interactions
Friday, November 17
11:00am to 12:20pm
Room 410

Author Meets Critics: Orange-Collar Labor
Friday, November 17
12:30pm to 1:50pm
Franklin Hall 12

ASC Executive Board Meeting II
Saturday, November 18
9:30am to 3:00pm
Franklin Hall 11


Christina DeJong

Roundtable: Teaching about Victimization: Considerations and Support
Thursday, November 16
9:30am to 10:50am
Conference Suite II

The (Mis)Representation of Queer Lives in True Crime: LGBTQ People as Victims (Panel 2 of 3)
Thursday, November 16
2:00pm to 3:20pm
Room 303

PREA Protections for Transgender Individuals: An Updated Comparison of State Correctional Policies
Thursday, November 16
7:15pm to 8:15pm
Grand Ballroom Salon F

Author Meets Critics: Queer Victimology: Understanding the Victim Experience
Friday, November 17
12:30pm to 1:50pm
Room 415

Lightning Talk: Sexuality and Sexual Culture
Friday, November 17
2:00pm to 3:20pm
Room 303


Tiana Gaudette

Digital Extremism
Wednesday, November 15
8:00am to 9:20am
Room 410

Explaining School Shootings
Friday, November 17
2:00pm to 3:20pm
Room 409


Carole Gibbs

Policy Impacts on Neighborhood Crime
Thursday, November 16
8:00am to 9:20am
Room 408


Anna Gurinskaya

Roundtable: Voices Unheard: Insights on Sexual Harassment from BRICs Countries
Saturday, November 18
11:00am to 12:20pm
Room 307


Joe Hamm

Advancing Legitimacy Theory VII
Wednesday, November 15
5:00pm to 6:20pm
Franklin Hall 5


Brenna Helm

Digital Extremism
Wednesday, November 15
8:00am to 9:20am
Room 410

Roundtable: The Role of Online Communications Platforms in Facilitating Intentional and Unintentional Sexual Violence
Wednesday, November 15
9:30am to 10:50am
Room 309

Applied Social Network Analysis in Criminology
Friday, November 17
11:00am to 12:20pm
Room 306


Tom Holt

Digital Extremism
Wednesday, November 15
8:00am to 9:20am
Room 410

Analyzing Fraud and Economic Cybercrime
Thursday, November 16
5:00pm to 6:20pm
Franklin Hall 11

Radicalization Online: Online Communities and Offline Violence
Friday, November 17
9:30am to 10:50am
Franklin Hall 1

Understanding Youth Cybercrime
Friday, November 17
2:00pm to 3:20pm
Salon J


Jedidiah Knode

Driving Forces: Daylight, Discretion, and Deterrence in Traffic Stop Research
Thursday, November 16
11:00am to 12:20pm
Room 402


Julie Krupa

Structural Characteristics and Ecological Conditions of Crime
Wednesday, November 15
8:00am to 9:20am
Room 412


Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovich

Workshop: Discovering New Approaches to Researching Transnational and International Crime
Tue, November 14
12:00pm to 4:00pm
Franklin Hall 10

Police Culture and Deviance
Wednesday, November 15
12:30pm to 1:50pm
Room 414

Global Perspectives in Policing and Law Enforcement
Thursday, November 16
5:00pm to 6:20pm
Room 501

Further Unpacking the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Policing Around the World
Saturday, November 18
8:00am to 9:20am
Franklin Hall 3


Alyssa LaBerge

Understanding the Complexities of Detained and Incarcerated Justice-Involved Youth
Thursday, November 16
3:30pm to 4:50pm
Room 407


Sydney Litterer

Causes and Correlates of Extremism and Terrorism
Wednesday, November 15
9:30am to 10:50am
Room 401


Yang Vincent Liu

Calling In and Calling On: Creating an Intersectionally Queer Criminology Journal
Wednesday, November 15
8:00am to 9:20am
Franklin Hall 3

Contexts and Consequences of Bullying and Maltreatment
Wednesday, November 15
3:30pm to 4:50pm
Room 412

Roundtable: Publishing Queer Criminological Scholarship
Wednesday, November 15
5:00pm to 6:20pm
Room 310

Roundtable: Reflexivity and Positionality in Researching Queer Topics and Populations
Thursday, November 16
9:30am to 10:50am
Conference Suite I

Global Perspectives in Policing and Law Enforcement
Thursday, November 16
5:00pm to 6:20pm
Room 501

Experiences of Victimization: LBGTQ, Race, Ableism
Friday, November 17
2:00pm to 3:20pm
Room 405

Roundtable: Voices Unheard: Insights on Sexual Harassment from BRICs Countries
Saturday, November 18
11:00am to 12:20pm
Room 307


Chris Maxwell

Victimization: Intimate Partner Violence
Wednesday, November 15
8:00am to 9:20am
Room 405

Current Research to Advance Understanding About Older Adults, Their Risk for Violent Victimization, and Service Needs
Friday, November 17
2:00pm to 3:20pm
Franklin Hall 9

The Nexus of Intimate Partner Violence & Firearms
Friday, November 17
3:30pm to 4:50pm
Salon L


Sheila Maxwell

Crime and Justice in the Philippines: Challenges and Possibilities in a Developing Country
Friday, November 17
8:00am to 9:20am
Salon D

Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Family Violence
Saturday, November 18
9:30am to 10:50am
Room 305


Ed McGarrell

Young Adults' Perspectives on Crime, Criminal Justice, and Social Control
Wednesday, November 15
11:00am to 12:20pm
Room 407


Rachel McNealey

Hybrid Crimes, Data, and the Law
Thursday, November 16
12:30pm to 1:50pm
Room 413


Chris Melde

NIJ Day: Examining the Relationship between Immigration and Crime Victimization with Mixed Methods and Large Datasets
Thursday, November 16
12:30pm to 1:50pm
Franklin Hall 7

The Nexus of Intimate Partner Violence & Firearms
Friday, November 17
3:30pm to 4:50pm
Salon L


Mahesh Nalla

Roundtable: Voices Unheard: Insights on Sexual Harassment from BRICs Countries
Saturday, November 18
11:00am to 12:20pm
Room 307


Jordan Parker

Structural Characteristics and Ecological Conditions of Crime
Wednesday, November 15
8:00am to 9:20am
Room 412


Natalie Rivera

Lightning Talk: Victimization 1
Thursday, November 16
5:00pm to 6:20pm
Room 304


Jeff Rojek

Advances in Police Screening and Community Responses (Sponsored by the Division of Policing)
Wednesday, November 15
8:00am to 9:20am
Franklin Hall 4

Driving Forces: Daylight, Discretion, and Deterrence in Traffic Stop Research
Thursday, November 16
11:00am to 12:20pm
Room 402

Using Simulation to Train & Study the Police (Sponsored by the Division of Policing)
Friday, November 17
9:30am to 10:50am
Franklin Hall 6


Kaelyn Sanders

Innovative Mixed Methods Approaches in the Study of Reentry
Friday, November 17
11:00am to 12:20pm
Room 415


Ryan Scrivens

Digital Extremism
Wednesday, November 15
8:00am to 9:20am
Room 410


Brandon Turchan

Guns and Places: Victimization Threats and Vulnerabilities
Thursday, November 16
3:30pm to 4:50pm
Franklin Hall 12


Noah Turner

Correlates of Targeted Violence
Wednesday, November 15
2:00pm to 3:20pm
Franklin Hall 6

Radicalization Online: Online Communities and Offline Violence
Friday, November 17
9:30am to 10:50am
Franklin Hall 1


Jeremy Wilson

Roundtable: Addressing the Global Police Staffing Challenge: A Discussion of Ongoing Research, Challenges, Opportunities, and Resources (Sponsored by the Division of Policing)
Thursday, November 16
8:00am to 9:20am
Conference Suite III

The COPS Office: Funding and Findings
Friday, November 17
8:00am to 9:20am
Franklin Hall 4

Roundtable: Division of White Collar and Corporate Crime: Researching White-Collar and Corporate Crime
Friday, November 17
12:30pm to 1:50pm
Conference Suite III


Thomas (Wally) Wojciechowski

Digital Extremism
Wednesday, November 15
8:00am to 9:20am
Room 410

NIJ Day: Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development—Social Development Study: Examining Behavioral, Socioemotional, and Neurodevelopmental Pathways to Delinquency
Thursday, November 16
8:00am to 9:20am
Franklin Hall 7


Scott Wolfe

Driving Forces: Daylight, Discretion, and Deterrence in Traffic Stop Research
Thursday, November 16
11:00am to 12:20pm
Room 402