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Makayla Burden

Makayla   Burden
  • PhD Candidate
  • School of Criminal Justice
  • BS 2020, Sam Houston State University


Curriculum Vitae


Makayla is a doctoral candidate in the School of Criminal Justice. She received a B.S. in Criminal Justice from Sam Houston State University, graduating Summa Cum Laude with Highest Honors and Academic Distinction. In 2023, Makayla received the National Institute of Justice’s Graduate Research Fellowship ($116,692), supporting her dissertation research titled Military Sexual Trauma Experiences of Female Veterans in Michigan. Makayla is currently a member of the TRUSST Lab and the Research Consortium for Gender Based Violence (RCGV).

Research Interests

  • Victimology
  • Sexual violence
  • Violence against women
  • Cybercrime

Current Research

Currently working on her dissertation titled “Military Sexual Trauma of Female Veterans in Michigan.”

Selected Publications

Burden, M. & Roddy, A. (Online). The Effects of Polyvictimization on Indigenous Youth’s Mental Health and Negative Coping MechanismsZ. Victims & Offenders.

Burden, M., Melde, C., McGarrell, E.F., Heinze, J.E., Franzen, S., Michaels, K. Adolescent Attitudes Toward Police and Crime Reporting Intentions. Journal of Crime and Justice, 46(5), 593-606.

Burden, M. (Online First: 2023). The Cybercrime Victim-Offender Overlap: Evaluating Predictors for Victims, Offenders, Victim-Offenders, and Those Who Are Neither. Victims & Offenders, 1-19.

Hayes, B.E., Connolly, E.J., Wang, X. Mason, M., & Ingham, C. (Online First: 2020). Chinese Police Cadets’ Attitudes Toward Domestic Violence: A Pretest/Posttest Design. Crime & Delinquency, 68(2), 232-252.