Graduate FAQ
Do I need to take the Graduate Record Exam (GRE)?
If you are applying to the Criminal Justice masters program and your overall undergraduate GPA is 3.2 or higher (or you have already completed a graduate degree), you do not need to submit GRE scores.
If you are applying to the Forensic Science masters program or Criminal Justice doctoral program, you must submit GRE general exam scores.
I attended more than one college/university for my undergraduate degree. How is my overall undergraduate GPA calculated?
All credits and quality points earned throughout your undergraduate studies will be combined to determine your overall undergraduate GPA.
My undergraduate GPA is not quite 3.2, but close. Do I need to take the GRE?
Yes. Unless your undergraduate GPA is 3.2 or higher or you already hold an advanced degree, the GRE is required for application.
I will be taking the GRE close to the application deadline. What if official scores do not reach you in time?
After completing the GRE, the Verbal and Quantitative scores should be displayed on the screen. Please note them and e-mail the scores to the Graduate Program Coordinator, Mike Chapko. While we will need matching official scores on file if you are offered admission, self-reported scores will suffice for review.
Do you need transcripts from each college/university I attended? What if credits transferred from one school to the next?
We will need official transcripts from all schools attended, whether credits transferred or not.
I earned my undergraduate at Michigan State University. Do you need those transcripts?
No. We will have access to them and any other transcripts you have sent to MSU in the past.
Where can I find information about tuition rates?
You can find current tuition rates at the Office of the Controller.
Where can I find information about housing?
You can find information about on-campus graduate dorms and university apartments at
Where can I find information about financial aid?
Visit the Office of Financial Aid for information about financial aid as well as a link to the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form.
Students are often eligible for certain loans if they take at least 6 credits. Loans are also available for computer equipment required in the program. Information may be obtained by contacting the financial aid office at 517-353-5940, e-mail, or by visiting the Office of Financial Aid website.
Since this is a degree-granting program veteran benefits may be applicable. Students eligible for veterans benefits must submit the required certificate to the VA office on campus. Information may be obtained by contacting the Veteran Certification Office at 517-355-5032, or visit Veterans Certification or the Office of Financial Aid.
How many credits can I transfer into the program?
Students may transfer up to nine (9) credits towards a masters degree upon approval of an MSU academic advisor. These can be MSU Lifelong Education credits, credits from other accredited institutions with graduate programs, or a combination of both. Please contact the graduate academic advisor for procedures. A grade of 3.0 or higher must have been received in the course you wish to transfer.
I've been accepted into the program. What now?
You will not be able to get started with any student processes until you have received your PID (Student Identification Number) and PAN (Personal Access Number) numbers from the Office of Admissions. Your PID and PAN will be sent to you from the Office of Admissions once your admission is processed. It may take several weeks from the time you have been accepted until you receive these.
I am told I need a PID and PAN in order to proceed. When will I receive these?
The Office of Admissions will send you these numbers and it may take several weeks from the time you were notified of acceptance until you receive these.
What is an MSU NetID?
MSU NetIDs provide access to the official MSU e-mail system and many other online services. You will use your NetID and password to enroll in courses, check your MSU e-mail, log into library services, and log onto D2L (the online classroom platform), among other services.
How do I get an MSU NetID?
You will need your PID and PAN numbers to activate your MSU Net ID. These will come from the Office of Admissions. Go to to activate your MSU NetID with the PID and PAN numbers provided. If you need assistance with setting up your account, please contact the help desk for assistance at (517) 355-4500.
How do I find out what courses are being offered?
To obtain the course schedule information go to the Schedule of Courses. Select the semester and subject. To filter for only 800-level courses, type 8** in the course number section, then click on Search for Courses.
Where can I get a description of the offered courses?
Click here for more information on offered courses, or on the course number at Schedule of Courses.
How do I find textbook information?
To obtain textbook information go to Schedule of Courses. Select the semester, subject, and course number, and then click on Search for Courses. Once you have found the course, click on the section number (usually 001) to view the textbook information. Once you have the ISBNs, you can order your books at a number of different websites: Spartan Bookstore, Amazon
When is the drop/add period?
To view drop/add period information, go to the go to Schedule of Courses. Select the semester and subject, enter the course number, then click on Search for Courses. Once you have found the course, click on the section number (usually 001) to view important add-drop dates and the textbooks/materials required.
Whom do I contact about curriculum questions?
If you are a Criminal Justice masters student, Ms. Barbara Kolar will be your advisor throughout the program. She can be reached via e-mail at or by phone at 517-353-9866. She can assist you with curriculum questions.
Forensic Science masters students should contact the coordinator of their concentration of study.
First-year doctoral students may address questions to Dr. Scott Wolfe, Director of Graduate Studies.
How do I get authorization for a class?
Please contact Graduate Program Coordinator Mike Chapko for assistance if you need an override for a class.
When do I enroll in courses?
Students have specific enrollment periods, and will be sent notification by the Registrar’s Office when the enrollment period is approaching. Students typically enroll for fall and spring semester classes at the same time and summer semester separately. The fall/spring enrollment period is usually in early April and the summer enrollment period is usually in mid-March.
You can enroll in classes on the Schedule of Courses website. Click on Schedule Builder to search for classes and add them to your schedule. Follow the screen instructions to enroll. If you have difficulty enrolling in a course, you may need an override. Please contact Graduate Program Coordinator, Mike Chapko, if you have difficulty enrolling in a Criminal Justice course.
What is the website for the enrollment system?
Enrollment Information can be found here.
Enroll using the Schedule Builder.
How do I contact the Registrar's Office?
Phone: 517-355-3300
Where can I view the academic calendar?
View each academic year’s important dates and deadlines here.
Where can I view the billing calendar?
View the current billing calendar here.
Where can I get information on student services?
MSU Student Information System is the place to go for student services. You will find information about your grades, student account, enrollment date, billing services, student loan information, and financial aid, along with links to many other student services.
Who do I contact with questions about enrollment assistance or graduation?
Graduate Program Coordinator Mike Chapko
Phone: 517-353-7133 -
Where can I check my grades?
MSU Student Information System is the place to go for student services. You will find information about your grades, student account, enrollment date, billing services, student loan information, and financial aid along with links to many other student services.