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A Message from SCJ on Recent Disturbing Events

May 31, 2020

Dear SCJ Community,

It is with a heavy heart that we reach out to our SCJ community in light of the horrible deaths of African Americans over the past few weeks, including George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor. Their deaths highlight inequities suffered by African Americans in our society generally, and in the cases of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, emphasize the abuses that can be experienced within the criminal justice system.

We are deeply disturbed by these recent events and want to reiterate to our community – specifically to our Black students, faculty, and staff that we stand with you.

The School of Criminal Justice has played a historic role in the professionalization of policing and the modernization of justice system functions. As such, we want to re-emphasize our commitment to the students we serve, and remind all that there is no place for racism, discrimination, harassment, and abuse in our community. Such actions are reprehensible and must be rejected.

MSU has multiple resources available to our students, staff, and faculty who may be experiencing a range of emotions during this incredibly difficult time; including MSU’s Counseling & Psychiatric Services ( among many others: We are committed to building an inclusive environment within our School and at MSU, we are committed to advancing justice, and we are committed as allies and advocates and seek to assist in any way we can.


Dr. Tom Holt
SCJ Director

Dr. Chris Melde
Graduate Director

Dr. April Zeoli
Undergraduate Director

Dr. Jennifer Cobbina & Dr. Adam Zwickle
Co-Chairs of the SCJ Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee