The Even Darker Side of the Dark Web
April 21, 2019
Dr. Thomas Holt and Mikaela Wallin recently published their study on the firearms trade on the Dark Web.
Little is known about the firearms trade on the Dark Web – such little is known that Dr. Tom Holt likened it to a black hole. However, this didn’t deter a team of researchers from attempting to shed some light on the topic. One of the most surprising findings from Dr. Holt was that the majority of the firearms being bought and sold were handguns, which 64% of the purchases. 17% of the purchases were of semi-automatic long guns, and only 4% of the firearms sold were for fully automatic long guns.
While the results of the study allow for some conclusions to be drawn, perhaps most importantly the results will allow for more concise questions to be asked in future studies. To read more about this study, check out the full article on MSUToday.