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CJ Members Race Through Izzo Legacy 5K

April 15, 2019

The first ever Izzo Legacy Run/Walk took place on Saturday April 13th, raising nearly $25,000 for a range of charities including the MSU Student Food Bank and MSU Safe Place in addition to many more. Never ones to turn down some friendly competition, and hoping to give back to the community, multiple members of the School of Criminal Justice signed up for the event. Take a look at just a few pictures from the event, below!

Some of the Criminal Justice participants talking after the 5K School of Criminal Justice Director Mary Finn preparing to walk the 5K
Dr. Steve Chermak crosses the 5K finish line Dr. Julie Krupa (orange jacket) crosses the 5K finish line
Dr. Cait Cavanagh crossing the finish line - finishing 2nd place in her age group Denise Davenport running the 5K with her sister
Criminal Justice undergraduate student Nick Doyle after the 5K Dr. Joe Hamm walking after the 5K
School of Criminal Justice flag stands strong in the wind Denise Davenport prepares to run the 5K