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MSU SCJ @ ASC 2024

October 21, 2024

Mark your calendars - you will not want to miss any of these amazing presentations at ASC!



MSU School of Criminal Justice Reception

Friday, November 15th
7:00pm - 9:00pm
Salon 14 - Lower B2 Level


Vivian Aranda-Hughes


Empowerment Approaches in Preventing Sexual Violence in Indigenous Communities
Wednesday, November 13th
2:00pm - 3:20pm
Sierra I - 5th Level

Disparities in Prosecutorial and Defendant Decision-Making
Wednesday, November 13th
5:00pm - 6:20pm
Foothill F - 2nd Level

New Directions in Correctional Research
Thursday, November 14th
9:30am - 10:50am
Foothill G1 - 2nd Level

The Impact of Bond Type and Other Factors on Pretrial Outcomes
Friday, November 15th
11:00am - 12:20pm
Foothill F - 2nd Level


Allison Auten

Intersections of Gender, Race, and Ethnicity in Justice-Involved Populations
Saturday, November 16th
9:30am - 10:50am
Foothill G2 - 2nd Level


Austin Barber

Terrorism Grievances, Ideology, and Violence
Thursday, November 14th
2:00pm - 3:20pm
Foothill E - 2nd Level


Makayla Burden

Perspectives on Online & Offline Victimization: Research using the 2021 Reactions to Crime Survey
Wednesday, November 13th
3:30pm - 4:50pm
Foothill C - 2nd Level


Kait Campbell

Masculinity and Mass Shootings
Wednesday, November 13th
8:00am - 9:20am
Juniper - B2 Level


Caitlin Cavanagh

The Role of Risk and Protective Factors in Juvenile Justice
Friday, November 15th
8:00am - 9:20am
Nob Hill C - Lower B2 Level


Steven Chermak

Activism, Social Movements, and Online Dimensions of Extremism
Wednesday, November 13th
8:00am - 9:20am
Sierra C - 5th Level

Before the Attack: Theoretical and Empirical work on Terrorism and Hate Crime
Wednesday, November 13th
12:30pm - 1:50pm
Pacific A - 4th Level

Youth Violence
Friday, November 15th
12:30pm - 1:50pm
Pacific B - 4th Level

Understanding Hate Crimes from a Theoretical and Empirical Perspective
Friday, November 1th
2:00pm - 3:20pm
Salon 6 - Lower B2 Level


Jennifer Cobbina-Dungy

Integrating Perspectives: Developing a multi-faceted understanding of community violence and safety
Wednesday, November 13th
12:30pm - 1:50pm
Sierra A - 5th Level

Intersectionality, Victimization, and Responses to Women's Victimization and Offending
Thursday, November 14th
12:30pm - 1:50pm
Sierra B - 5th Level

Roundtable: People, Policy and Practice in Tumultuous Times: What Is Next for Women?
Friday, November 15th
8:00am - 9:20am
Salon 7 - Lower B2 Level - Area 6


Tiana Gaudette

Online Communities and Offline Violence
Friday, November 15th
9:30am - 10:50am
Sierra A - 5th Level

Youth Violence
Friday, November 15th
12:30pm - 1:50pm
Pacific B - 4th Level


Carole Gibbs

Roundtable: The Criminology of Regulation
Wednesday, November 13th
9:30am - 10:50am
Salon 7 - Lower B2 Level - Area 1

Integrating Perspectives: Developing a multi-faceted understanding of community violence and safety
Wednesday, November 13th
12:30pm - 1:50pm
Sierra A - 5th Level


Anna Gurinskaya

International Perspectives on Sexual Violence
Friday, November 15th
11:00am - 12:20pm
Sierra A - 5th Level


Joseph Hamm

Poster Session 1
Thursday, November 14th
6:15pm - 7:15pm
Golden Gate A+B - B2 Level

Advancing Legitimacy Theory VIII
Friday, November 15th
3:30pm - 4:50pm
Sierra A - 5th Level


Brenna Helm

Examining Digital Hate and Extremist Discourse
Wednesday, November 13th
9:30am - 10:50am
Pacific B - 4th Level


Tom Holt

Activism, Social Movements, and Online Dimensions of Extremism
Wednesday, November 13th
8:00am - 9:20am
Sierra C - 5th Level

Roundtable: Crime Refracted?: Online Deviance in the New Platform Ecosystem
Wednesday, November 13th
11:00am - 12:20pm
Sierra G - 5th Level

Advances in Cybervictimization Research
Wednesday, November 13th
12:30pm - 1:50pm
Sierra C - 5th Level

Author Meets Critics: Against Cybercrime: Toward a Realist Criminology of Computer Crime
Wednesday, November 13th
2:00pm - 3:20pm
Sierra D - 5th Level

Lightning Talk: Harnessing Education Strategies to Safeguard Youth from Cybercrime & Online Victimization in New & Emerging Technologies
Thursday, November 14th
3:30pm - 4:50pm
Sierra E - 5th Level

Roundtable: Charting the Future for Cybercrime Research
Friday, November 15th
11:00am - 12:20pm
Salon 7 - Lower B2 Level - Area 1

Cybercrime Policing
Friday, November 15th
3:30pm - 4:50pm
Foothill D - 2nd Level


Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovic

Author Meets Critic: Between Immunity and Impunity: External Accountability of Political Elites for Transnational Crime
Wednesday, November 13th
9:30am - 10:50am
Foothill G2 - 2nd Level

Navigating the Covid-19 Pandemic and Calls for Reform: Police Perceptions and Responses
Friday, November 15th
2:00pm - 3:20pm
Sierra H - 5th Level


Jed Knode

Organizational Dynamics and Individual Discretion: A Top-Down Assessment of Police Practice and Perception
Thursday, November 14th
5:00pm - 6:20pm
Pacific I - 4th Level


Julie Krupa

Community Building
Thursday, November 14th
3:30pm - 4:50pm
Salon 14 - Lower B2 Level

New Directions in Research and Practice at the Intersection of Youth/Emerging Adults and the Legal System
Friday, November 15th
12:30pm - 1:50pm
Foothill E - 2nd Level


Alyssa LaBerge

The Role of Risk and Protective Factors in Juvenile Justice
Friday, November 15th
8:00am - 9:20am
Nob Hill C - Lower B2 Level


Sydney Litterer

Activism, Social Movements, and Online Dimensions of Extremism
Wednesday, November 13th
8:00am - 9:20am
Sierra C - 5th Level

Cyberdeviance & Online Delinquency
Thursday, November 14th
11:00am - 12:20pm
Sierra B - 5th Level


Yang (Vincent) Liu

Navigating Queer Realities: Insights from Diverse Experiences
Wednesday, November 13th
12:30pm - 1:50pm
Nob Hill C - Lower B2 Level

Building Bridges: Understanding Public Trust and Support for Law Enforcement
Thursday, November 14th
11:00am - 12:20pm
Nob Hill A - Lower B2 Level

Navigating the Covid-19 Pandemic and Calls for Reform: Police Perceptions and Responses
Friday, November 15th
2:00pm - 3:20pm
Sierra H - 5th Level


Chris Maxwell

Roundtable: 30 Years of Research Under the Violence Against Women Act: Where Do We Go?
Wednesday, November 13th
11:00am - 12:20pm
Salon 7 - Lower B2 Level - Area 1

Macro-level Analyses of Lethal Violence by the Police

Thursday, November 14th
5:00pm - 6:20pm
Foothill E - 2nd Level


Sheila Maxwell

Green Criminology II: Attitudes, Enforcement and Governance
Wednesday, November 13th
9:30am - 10:50am
Foothill H - 2nd Level

International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice Editorial Board Meeting
Wednesday, November 13th
2:00pm - 3:20pm
Laurel - B2 Level


Ellen McLeod

The Importance of School Safety, Higher Education, and Data Analytics in Policing
Thursday, November 14th
11:00am - 12:20pm
Foothill G1 - 2nd Level


Rachel McNealey

Perspectives on Online & Offline Victimization: Research using the 2021 Reactions to Crime Survey
Wednesday, November 13th
3:30pm - 4:50pm
Foothill C - 2nd Level


Merry Morash

Intersections of Gender, Race, and Ethnicity in Justice-Involved Populations
Saturday, November 16th
9:30am - 10:50am
Foothill G2 - 2nd Level


Mahesh Nalla

Author Meets Critics: Reinvigorating the United Nations and its Actions Against International Crime
Wednesday, November 13th
8:00am - 9:20am
Sierra F - 5th Level

International Perspectives on Sexual Violence
Friday, November 15th
11:00am - 12:20pm
Sierra A - 5th Level

Research on Victim and Offender Risk for Intimate Partner Violence
Friday, November 15th
2:00pm - 3:20pm
Sierra C - 5th Level


Meghan O'Neil

Community-Based Programs and Interventions
Wednesday, November 13th
8:00am - 9:20am
Salon 14 - Lower B2 Level

Adverse Childhood Experiences, Psychopathy, and Outcomes in Adulthood
Thursday, November 14th
5:00pm - 6:20pm
Sierra B - 5th Level

Navigating Reentry
Friday, November 15th
9:30am - 10:50am
Salon 2 - Lower B2 Level


Rachel Orler

Lightning Talk: Reentry: Prison Programs and Community Supervision
Thursday, November 14th
2:00pm - 3:20pm
Foothill G2 - 2nd Level


Jordan Parker

Neighborhoods and Gun Violence
Friday, November 15th
11:00am - 12:20pm
Salon 12 - Lower B2 Level

New Directions in Research and Practice at the Intersection of Youth/Emerging Adults and the Legal System
Friday, November 15th
12:30pm - 1:50pm
Foothill E - 2nd Level


Natalie Rivera

Lightning Talk: Diversity and the Experiences of Black and Brown Folk in Criminology and at ASC
Thursday, November 14th
2:00pm - 3:20pm
Sierra E - 5th Level


Rosa Rivera

Police Recruitment and Selection: Field Lessons from a Platform of MSU-COPS Research
Friday, November 15th
8:00am - 9:20am
Sierra J - 5th Level


Kaelyn Sanders

2024 ASC Awards Plenary
Wednesday, November 13th
6:30pm - 8:00pm
Salon 8 - Lower B2 Level

Diverse Perspectives of Reentry Experiences
Thursday, November 14th
8:00am - 9:20am
Pacific B - 4th Level

Intersectionality, Victimization, and Responses to Women's Victimization and Offending
Thursday, November 14th
12:30pm - 1:50pm
Sierra B - 5th Level

Lightning Talk: Diversity and the Experiences of Black and Brown Folk in Criminology and at ASC
Thursday, November 14th
2:00pm - 3:20pm
Sierra E - 5th Level


Ryan Scrivens

Activism, Social Movements, and Online Dimensions of Extremism
Wednesday, November 13th
8:00am - 9:20am
Sierra C - 5th Level


Keara Werth

Understanding Hate Crimes from a Theoretical and Empirical Perspective
Friday, November 15th
2:00pm - 3:20pm
Salon 6 - Lower B2 Level

Mental Health and Trauma in a Correctional Context
Saturday, November 16th
8:00am - 9:20am
Nob Hill C - Lower B2 Level


Jeremy Wilson

Police Recruitment and Selection: Field Lessons from a Platform of MSU-COPS Research
Friday, November 15th
8:00am - 9:20am
Sierra J - 5th Level

Police Workforce Strategy: Ongoing Research by Partners of the Michigan State University Police Staffing Observatory
Friday, November 15th
2:00pm - 3:20pm
Salon 7 - Lower B2 Level - Area 1


Thomas (Wally) Wojciechowski

The ABCD-Social Development Study: Current Findings
Thursday, November 14th
3:30pm - 4:50pm
Pacific I - 4th Level

Exposure to and Consequences of Victimization Across the Life Course
Saturday, November 16th
8:00am - 9:20am
Foothill G1 - 2nd Level


Scott Wolfe

Roundtable: The Criminology of Regulation
Wednesday, November 13th
9:30am - 10:50am
Salon 7 - Lower B2 Level - Area 1

Organizational Dynamics and Individual Discretion: A Top-Down Assessment of Police Practice and Perception
Thursday, November 14th
5:00pm - 6:20pm
Pacific I - 4th Level