Graduate Student Spotlight: Caitie Ladd
April 2, 2023
Caitie Ladd is a graduate student in the Masters in Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysis (LEIA) Program.
Caitie was inspired to pursue a Master’s Degree in Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysis by Criminal Justice Instructor (and Director of Online Programs) Alli Rojek who herself is a former crime analyst. Currently, Caitie is a Research Assistant on a project with Dr. Scott Wolfe and Dr. Jeff Rojek. Together, the team of researchers are studying police officer reactions in various situations.
As a graduate student who went into a Master’s Program immediately following her undergraduate career, Caitie’s recommendation to current undergraduate students is to build connections now as an Undergrad.
Caitie Ladd was born and raised in Huntington Beach, California. Growing up, Caitie lived and breathed softball. In 2017, she was part of the Los Alamitos team that won the 2017 National Softball Championship.
Caitie came to MSU as an undergrad to play softball and studied Criminal Justice. As a Spartan Student Athlete, Caitie earned a number of academic accolades, including Big Ten Distinguished Scholar, Academic All-Big Ten, and earning the Scholar-Athlete Award.