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Dr. Hamm & Dr. Zwickle Awarded Tenure

June 25, 2020

Congratulations are in order for Dr. Joe Hamm and Dr. Adam Zwickle, both of whom were awarded tenure!


Photo of Dr. Joe HammJoe Hamm is Associate Professor of Criminal Justice and Environmental Science at Michigan State University. A psychologist by training, his work lies at the nexus of government and the public where he investigates what trust is, how best to appropriately measure it, and its connection to "outcomes" like cooperation and compliance. Joe’s work spans a number of governmental contexts, seeking to use research on trust in trustees like the police, courts, water infrastructure managers, natural resource authorities, and a variety of state and federal entities to develop a cross-boundary social science of trust.

Joe works closely with a variety of criminal justice and environmental organizations, and serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Trust Research and Psychology, Public Policy, and the Law. His teaching responsibilities include CJ 905 (Law and Society), CJ 908 (The Cross-Boundary Social Science of Trust in the Institutional Context), and ESP 804 (Environmental Applications and Analysis). Joe also supervises the School of Criminal Justice’s doctoral traineeship in the State Courts and Society.

Photo of Dr. Adam ZwickleAdam Zwickle is an interdisciplinary social scientist focused on the perception and communication of environmental risks. Drawing from the fields of social psychology, risk communication, and decision science, his work integrates theories of individual perception and message framing to aide communication practitioners. Specifically, his goal is to better communicate environmental risks in ways that reduce the amount that their long term impacts are discounted. He is also active in sustainability issues at the university level, where he has worked with colleagues to develop a valid assessment of sustainability knowledge targeted at undergraduate students, partnered with university sustainability offices to increase sustainability behaviors among students, and believes in using campuses as living laboratories to produce both theoretical and practical research as well as tangible local impacts. He has worked to build and advance sustainability social science theory through conducting an Annual Sustainability Survey every fall. If you are interested in collaborating on this year’s survey, please contact him! Adam holds joint appointments with the Department of Community Sustainability, the Environmental Science and Policy Program and the School of Criminal Justice.