Ariel Roddy Receives Award From ASC Division on Women and Crime
July 1, 2020
Ariel Roddy received a $5,000 award from the American Society of Criminology Division on Women and Crime for her proposal Social capital, Spatial Mismatch, and Employment for Women Offenders.
The project investigates the effects of spatial mismatch (residential isolation from areas of job growth) and social capital (access to resources within social networks) on employment outcomes for women leaving substance abuse treatment centers in Detroit and Warren after time in jail. Using qualitative and quantitative analysis, the research will examine how resource support from friends and family and proximity to available job opportunities predict positive employment outcomes.
The goal of this project is to contribute to development of effective employment-related programming for justice-involved women, who are an economically marginalized and understudied offender group.
Congratulations, Ariel!