Meet the 2019 ACJA E-Board
October 2, 2019
The American Criminal Justice Association (ACJA) is one of the many on-campus student groups open for any student at Michigan State University to join. ACJA is devoted to the advancement of professionalism in all areas of criminal justice and is designed to supplement a student's academic experience with social and educational activities outside of the classroom.
The Michigan State University chapter of ACJA is one of the 123 chapters across the country, making ACJA an excellent networking opportunity. Many members of ACJA are not only students, but currently working in the Criminal Justice field at agencies in both the public and private sector at the local, state, and federal levels. Check out the ACJA Facebook page to see all of their upcoming events. Attendance to an event is free, while a membership to join ACJA is $20 for a whole year or $12 per semester.
For more information about the national ACJA chapter, visit their website. For more information about ACJA at MSU, contact ACJA by email and like them on Facebook.
2019 ACJA E-Board
Rachel Striks - President
Kaylee Kern - Treasurer
Nick Cooper - Public Relations Officer
Nick Doyle - Volunteer Outreach Coordinator
Madeleine Dahm - Secretary
Sammy Engle - Secretary