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Natasha (Tash) Chlebuch

Natasha (Tash)  Chlebuch
  • PhD Student
  • School of Criminal Justice
  • BA 2015, University of Pennsylvania


Curriculum Vitae


Natasha Chlebuch (Tash) is a first-year doctoral student in the School of Criminal Justice. She earned her B.A. in psychology from the University of Pennsylvania before serving as a Youth and Family Advocate at the Montgomery County Youth Center. Tash served as the lab manager of the Scientific Thinking and Representation (STAR) Lab at Villanova University prior to being hired as the department administrator for the philosophy department at Penn. Her research aims to understand the collateral consequences of juvenile incarceration for adjudicated adolescents, their families, and their communities.

Selected Publications

Chlebuch, N., Bodas, A., Weisberg, D.S. Still Hidden Figures: Gender and Race Representation in Children’s Educational Science Media. (under review)

Chlebuch, N., Bodas, A., & Weisberg, D. S. (2022). What Does the Cat in the Hat Know About That? An Analysis of the Educational and Unrealistic Content of Children’s Narrative Science Media. Psychology of Popular Media. Advance online publication.

Chlebuch, N., Weisberg, D.S., Goldstein, T. (2020). Fact or Fiction? Investigating the Relationship between Reading and Theory of Mind Abilities. Scientific Study of Literature.

Kase, C., Rivera, N., & Hunt, M.G. (2016). The effects of sorority recruitment on psychological wellbeing and social support. Oracle: The Research Journal of the Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors.