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MSU School of Criminal Justice Programs & Centers

Online Degree Programs

Enroll in one of our 100% online master’s degree programs in Criminal Justice, Cybercrime & Digital Investigation, or Law Enforcement Intelligence & Analysis and take your career to the next level.

Work alongside faculty members with decades of field experience whose research has directly informed and impacted criminal justice policy and practice and immerse yourself in a curriculum informed by the Department of Justice.

In as few as two years, you’ll graduate ready to make a difference wherever you serve.



Staff & Command

Michigan State University School of Staff and Command is a problem-based course that utilizes a blend of classroom facilitated learning and cutting-edge distance learning technologies that fosters critical thinking, and employs learning philosophies appropriate in today’s law enforcement world.




First Line Supervision

The First Line Supervision course trains students how to work safely, think critically, adopt problem-solving as a daily part of their job, and partner with residents to tackle crime.




The Cybercrimes Investigations & Training Center

The Cybercrimes Investigations and Training Center is a full-service training hub that will provide information and resources to police departments across the state to assist with cybercrime investigations and responses.

The free trainings will be available for all levels of staff in criminal justice agencies, with a focus on contemporary problems, offender and victim characteristics, and investigative methods. The trainings will be eligible for MCOLES credit.

The Center plans to roll out trainings beginning in August, with initial offerings available in East Lansing, then to local agencies across the state.



Michigan Justice Statistics Center

The Michigan Justice Statistics Center, serves as the Statistical Analysis Center for the State of Michigan. The Center’s mission is to advance knowledge about crime and justice issues in the state of Michigan while also informing policy and practice.

As the nation’s pioneering land-grant university, this dual mission is reflective of Michigan State University’s commitment to advancing knowledge and transforming lives.

The Center conducts policy-relevant research and analysis to advance data-driven processes and the adoption of evidence-based strategies.